English Teacher's Blog

2021.11.26English Teacher’s Blog

2021/10/25 Halloween(ハロウィーン)

Topic: Halloween

 題: ハロウィーン


I AM BACK! 戻ってきたよ!

And just in time to talk about my favorite holiday – Halloween!


I hope everybody had and fun, safe and spooky Halloween! I know I did.

This year I dressed up as a Wolfman! It reminded me of dressing up when I was much younger.

僕は、みんなが 安全に そして 不気味なハロウィーンを楽しんだことを僕は知っているよ。

今年、僕は 狼男のコスチュームを着たよ。僕がとても若かった時に、そのコスチュームを着たことを思い出したよ。

Speaking of which, the way in which Halloween is celebrated in New Zealand (my home country) is rather different. For example, in Japan, not only can I see young children dressing up and doing Halloween activities, but I see a lot of young adults dressing up and going to parties too!



例えば、日本の場合 変装したり、ハロウィーンアクティビティする小さな子供たちをほとんど見ないけど、多くの若者たちはドレスアップして、パーティーにも出かけるのを見かけるところがね。

Where I am from, Halloween is exclusively for children the ages from 5 to about 12 years old. I have very fond memories of going trick or treating with my friends!

僕が居た場所では、ハロウィーンは 5歳からだいたい12歳くらいの子供たちだけのものだった。僕は 友だちと一緒に “Trick or treating (トリック・オア・トリート)“ – お菓子をおねだりに行くというとても良い思い出をもっているんだ。

My question to you today is: what is your favorite part about Halloween?

今日の君たちへの僕の質問は: ハロウィーンのどこが好き?


Anyway! Back to the blog.

さぁ~ ブログに戻ろう!


Our two lessons in October were as you could probably guess, both Halloween themed.

Both days we looked at all different types of ghosts and ghouls.

The students were very brave and did a great job answering my questions about Halloween such as:

What is your favorite monster?

Which is the scariest?

And what are you going to dress up as on Halloween?

10月の2回のレッスンは みんながたぶん想像していた通り 2度ともハロウィーンをテーマにしたものだったね。








We started our lessons with our good morning songs – ‘Hello, how are you?’ and ‘if you’re happy and you know it’. The older students are currently practicing how to sing these songs by themselves! We will keep practicing in class until we can do it! I will post both song lyrics in this blog if anyone wants to practice at home!

僕たちは ‘Hello, how are you (ハロ/ハワユ)!?’ それと ’if you’re happy and you know it (幸せなら手を叩たたこう)’のおはようの歌からレッスンを始めたね。

年長さんは いま 自分たちでこの歌の歌い方を練習しています。それができるまで その練習を続けるよ! 僕は みんなが家でも練習できるようにこのブログに歌詞を載せておくね。


We then looked at different types of monsters. I acted out each of the monster’s movements to see whether anyone knew what they were. Black cat seemed to be the one everyone already knew!

それから、僕たちは色々なタイプのモンスターを見たね。みんながそれを知っているかどうかをわかるか僕がそれぞれのモンスターの動きを演じてみせたね。黒猫 は みんなが知っていたモンスターだったように思ったよ。

Our activity for the youngest students was a Halloween themed game of 4 corners. This is where 4 Halloween flash cards are place in each 4 corners of the room. Students walk and dance to spooky music around the classroom. Once the music stops, everyone must run to the closest flashcard and wait. A random card is then selected by one of the teachers or students. The ground standing on the correct corresponding flashcard wins! This was a lot of fun and the kids did great!



The older ones played a new game which I like to call Halloween whispers! For this game, the class is broken into 2 groups – team A and team B. Each group stands in a straight line facing the front on the class. A bell is placed at the front of the class. I will then whisper the name of a monster to the leader of each group. That word then has to be whispered down the line until it reaches the last team member. The first team to have the final person run to the bell and ring it gets a point!

The winner is the group with the most points!

Again, this was a lot of fun.

年長さんのみんなは 僕は “ハロウィーンのささやき“って呼ぶ新しいゲームで遊んだね! このゲームで、一つのクラスを2つのグループ – チームAとチームB – に分けて、それぞれのグループが 教室で顔を前に向けて一直線に並んで立ちます。教室の前に一つのベルを置いて、僕は それぞれのグループリーダーに一つのモンスターの名前をささやくんだ。一番後ろのチームメンバーにまで その名前を順番にささやいていくんだ。一番後ろのメンバーにささやきが届いたら、その人がベルまで走って、鳴らしたら 1ポイントゲット!




The month of October was a great success I think! As much as I love talking about scary things, I am excited to move onto our next topic – numbers!

10月は大成功だった! 僕は怖い話をするのが大好きなくらい、僕は 次の題 – 数字の話しをするので ワクワクしてるんだ!

Thank you for reading as always and I will have another blog for you soon!

いつも、読んでくれてありがとう。すぐに 次のブログ待っててね!


Sam. サムさん



Today’s main lesson vocabulary



Question: Is this a…?

質問: これは…ですか?

Answer: No. It’s a… Yes, it is!

答: いいえ、それは…です。はい、その通り!

  • Witch 魔女
  • Jack o lantern ジャック・オー・ランタン
  • Spider クモ
  • Black cat 黒猫
  • Ghost 幽霊


Routine vocabulary  いつもの語彙

How are you?  お元気ですか?

I’m OOOO    私は 〇〇〇〇です。

  • Happy  幸せ
  • Sad   悲しい  
  • Angry  怒っている
  • Scared  怖い
  • Tired   疲れた・飽きた
  • Hungry  空腹
  • Thirsty  喉が渇いた


How is the weather?


It’s…  …です。

  • Sunny  晴
  • Rainy   雨
  • Windy 風がある
  • Snowy 雪が降っている
  • Cloudy  曇り


How was your week? 先週どうでしたか?

It was…  …でした。

  • Good  良かった
  • Bad   悪かった
  • Okay オッケー
  • Boring  つまらない
  • Fun    愉快


Song lyrics

“Hello, how are you?”

Hello, hello, hello, how are you?
Hello, hello, hello, how are you?

I’m good.
I’m great!
I’m wonderful!
I’m good.
I’m great!
I’m wonderful!

Hello, hello, hello, how are you?
Hello, hello, hello, how are you?

I’m tired.
I’m hungry.
I’m not so good.
I’m tired.
I’m hungry.
I’m not so good.

Hello, hello, hello, how are you?
Hello, hello, hello, how are you?
Hello, hello, hello, how are you?
Hello, hello, hello, how are you?


“If you’re happy and you know it”

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (Clap-clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (Clap-clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (Clap-clap)

If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (Stomp stomp)
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (Stomp stomp)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (Stomp stomp)

If you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!” (Hoo-ray!)
If you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!” (Hoo-ray!)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it, shout “Hooray!” (Hoo-ray!)

If you’re happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you’re happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you’re happy and you know it, do all three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)





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