English Teacher's Blog

2021.11.19English Teacher’s Blog

2021/6/21 Action (行動)

Topic: Actions  



Hello everyone and welcome back to another update! June has been a very busy month and I am very much looking forward to the summer holidays! I hope everyone has something fun planned for the time off.




Let’s review what we have been looking at recently!



Today’s lesson and actually the topic we have been looking at for the majority of this month: actions. The vocabulary includes some common verbs and some fewer common ones too, such as: flying, running, jumping and hopping.

今日のレッスン そして 今月ずっと注目していた話題: それはアクション。



We began the lesson with a song called “we all clap hands together” which is a short song that is similar to “head, shoulders, knees and toes”. It teaches us 3 useful things: (1) body vocabulary (2) makes us move around and (3) introduces us to basic action words.

Next was our routine vocabulary and a rapid-fire review on our previous topic: vehicles.

Everyone had a lot of fun guessing each vehicle.

僕たちは、”みんなで手をたたこう“っていう歌でレッスンを始めたね。この歌は短い歌で、”あたま かた ひざ ポン”っていう歌に良く似ている歌だよ。

この歌は僕たちに3つの便利なことを教えてくれるよ; (1) 身体についてのことば、(2) 動かしてくれること、そして (3) 基本的な動きについてのことば。


みんなは いろいろな乗り物を想像する楽しい時間を過ごしたね。


Last lesson we planned to play a new and exciting game this week! However, they would first have to learn and practice todays actions! To do so, the activity we played was “freeze”. An activity where the students would have to do the correct action that was called out and immediately stop! This was a good chance to test everyone’s reflexes!


でも、みんなは 最初に 今日のアクションを学んで、練習をしないといけなかったよね。それをするために、僕たちがしたゲームは “フリーズ・凍結”だった。みんなは 動き回って、誰かが何かを叫んだときに、直ぐにストップすることができたら、正解! これはみんなの反射神経を試す良い機会だったね。


Next was today’s game: MUSICAL CHAIRS! An absolute classic. To the parents: I wonder if you remember playing this game when they were a little younger?

In this game, everyone lines up every chair in the classroom in a straight line down the middle of the class. One chair is then removed while music is plays in the background. Students then circle the chairs carefully. As soon as the music stops, everyone has to sit down! Students that cannot find a seat are out until the next round, and are asked to assist me in managing the music and chairs. The last student sitting in the final chair is the winner!

I had a lot of fun with this one, and hope everyone else did too!

次に、今日のゲームは: 椅子とりゲーム! とても古いゲーム。お父さん、お母さんもみなさん小さかったときにこのゲームで遊んだことを覚えていませんか?

このゲームではね、教室にある全部の椅子を真っすぐ並べて、部屋の真ん中で 並べた椅子を二つに分けたね。






Finally, I would like to add a big, warm welcome to the youngest students who have just joined Sam’s English Class! The material we will cover in these classes will focus on getting the very basics of English conversation correct before moving onto anything else. Also, just having a lot of fun! A lot of this content will be based around our routine vocabulary which can be found at the end of each blog post.

最後に、このSam英語教室の仲間に加わってくれた小さな生徒達にこころからウエルカムって言いたいよ。この教室で使っている題材は 次のステージに移る前に、とても基本的な英会話に絞ったものとなっているよ。そして、ただ楽しもうよ!



Thanks for tuning in!



See you in the next one! 




Today’s lesson vocabulary



Question: Can you…?


Answer: Yes, I can! No, I can’t!

答え: はい、僕はできるよ! いいえ、わたしはできないよ!

  • Run 走る
  • Jump 飛ぶ
  • Hop  飛び跳ねる
  • Skip スキップする・ぴょんぴょん飛び跳ねる
  • Swim 泳ぐ
  • Fly  飛ぶ


Routine vocabulary  いつもの語彙

How old are you?  あなたは何歳ですか?

I’m OO years old.  わたしは 〇〇 歳です。

  • Five 5
  • Six 6
  • Seven 7
  • One hundred 100


How are you?  お元気ですか?

I’m OOOO    私は 〇〇〇〇です。

  • Happy  幸せ
  • Sad   悲しい  
  • Angry  怒っている
  • Scared  怖い
  • Tired   疲れた・飽きた
  • Hungry  空腹
  • Thirsty  喉が渇いた


How is the weather today? 今日の天気はどうですか?

It’s OOOO  〇〇です。

  • Sunny  晴れ
  • Rainy  雨
  • Windy  風が強い
  • Cloudy  曇り
  • Stormy  嵐




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